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Pure Heart Of Devotion
<a href="http://www.shilohworshipmusic.com/ShilohWorshipMusic/Media/Pure%20Heart%20Of%20Devotion-2.mp3"><img src="http://www.shilohworshipmusic.com/ShilohWorshipMusic/Free_Contemporary_Christian_Worship/Media/ContemporaryChristianWorship.jpg" style="float:left; padding-right:10px; padding-bottom:10px; width:160px; height:160px;"/></a>This song is a heart cry prayer to the Lord Jesus put to music.It is expression of First Love for the Saviour put to music.Written during a time of revival and evangelism<br/>this song captures the sentiment felt of new converts to this call to follow the Lord Jesus with complete abandonment in true Biblical Discipleship.<br/><br/>Lyrics and guitar chords below<br/><br/>Luke 14:27 &amp;33 &quot;And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. . 33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple&quot;<br/><br/>Our prayer is that this simple song would draw you into<br/>First Love for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ<br/><br/>Come and check out our YouTube channel:<br/> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/ShilohWorshipGroup/videos">https://www.youtube.com/user/ShilohWorshipGroup/videos</a> <br/><br/>Em<br/>Pure Heart Of Devotion<br/>C<br/>Pure Heart Of Devotion<br/>Em D<br/>Pure Heart Of Devotion To You 2x<br/><br/><br/>G<br/>For The Things <br/> D<br/>Of This World<br/>C D<br/>Don't Mean A Thing To Me<br/>G D C<br/>I Only Want To Follow You 2x<br/><br/>© 1997-2015 Shiloh Worship Music COPY FREELY;This Music is copyrighted to prevent misuse, however,permission is granted for non-commercial copying-Radio play permitted <a href="http://www.shilohworshipmusic.com/">www.shilohworshipmusic.com</a><br/><br/><br/> FREE WORSHIP MUSIC<br/>Original Worship music SUBSCRIBE in iTunes We Love Jesus, we are simple christian disciples of Jesus using our gifts to lavish our love and lives for Him. To point others to Jesus. our music is simple-most of these original songs are prayers to Jesus set to music. Although our music is copyrighted ©2000-2013 Shiloh Worship Music, to prevent misuse, feel free to pass this music around for any and all non-commercial use. Jesus said, &quot;freely you have received, freely give!&quot;
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